<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/mel_liu_qianyin/panda04.mid" LOOP="INFINITE"> Juz 4 w3bs!+3

Kyou: See? Don't look so dumb to others, you fool...
Tohru: Yes!
Kyou: Be more serious to others when you're alone. Someone might kidnap you if you don't.
Tohru: Yes!
Kyou: You always look so dumb when you're alone.
Tohru: Eh?
Kyou: Well... you can relax when I'm with you.
Tohru: Yes!
Kyou: That didn't really mean anything special! Don't misunderstand okay?
Tohru: Something . . . special?

Grad(Frens 4eva)

Sunday, April 25, 2004

I haven't been updating on my everyday life for very long...since December'03 and I ain't going to do so.... Cos most of them are so saddening just to think about SIGH....
Thurs, 15/04, and Fri, 16/04, went back to SRJC. Met Anvita, WoanLing, ShaoHong, AndrewWang, ex-AVA senior whose name I ain't sure, Richard, Gong, Kel, SH and Joanna...
Mon, 19/04, went back again. Met HT(who sprained her ankle and whom I hugged), JeremyLim, Andrew, Richard, Anvita, Chrsity and Gong. When I was at the bus-stop waiting for bus, saw Richard, Gong and ZhiWei.
Tues went back yet again. Met YuFang(whom I hugged), Andrew, Gong, Richard, Christy, YueLian, Joanna, PeiLing, Kel, SH, Anvita and MuiYen(AVA senior).
Wed, told Mr Reynolds, along with 3 other people, that we wanted to withdraw from SC nominations. He was angry as this would cause the walkover to become a MAJOR walkover. Told us to go find him the following day after scolding us. I still went for SC meeting to accompany Jennifer, my classmate. Met Munzi and Weiqi who tried to convince me to stay. Went for calligraphy. Dinner with Jo and JL.
Thurs, went to school via taxi with JL. Met Mr Reynolds along with 2 other gals. Sad sad...he scolded us....sad for rest of day. But managed to withdraw. Makeup lesson for Bio after school.
Fri, saw KG and Sharon on 72. On 19, talked to JL and Daniel about Bio test and stuff. Jo very quiet and sad. Test sure fail. No CLDDS today. (Need to change the lyrics to a chi song.)
Sat, went school for Math makeup. Met Madeline ,on way to LT4, outside the general office. She said that we have fate. Pri sch same school then JC meet again, then even while walking to LT4 also can meet. I agree.....
After lesson, took bus to Tampines interchange with Mad. I changed out of my clothes then bought hot dog roll for lunch. Took MRT to PS. Ate hot dog roll. Jo and JL were late. Bought apple and aloe vera drinks from Carrefour. Theirs were pretty sour and mine, not. Took MRT to Orchard and walked to Far East. Shopped. JL spent almost to a hundred(plus a ring at $15 for Daniel-he asked her to help him buy...the saleswomen at Bits and Pieces kept assuming it was for JL's bf though Jo helped to explain that it wasn't. LOLx...) while Jo, around $70+. Me? $1.80 only cos didn't plan to buy any clothes. Then never bring much $$. Ate chicken rice with them. Walked to a place which sells expensive clothings. Jo modelled in the clothes she bought. Drank a drink. Sat down and talked. 'Suan' JL about Daniel. Jo, once, even changed his name to 'Dear' in JL's hp. Very fun...laughed alot...hadn't laughed this much since........very long. LOLx....very fun. JL had mentioned looking at my blog and said that I seemed sad. Yup...I was, then...but as I told you 2, I ain't anymore as I have friends around me....friends like you 2, and others... MRT. Parted. I took NSL while they took NEL. I was early. Walked around at AMK. Met Vivian Toh at bus stop. Chatted about school. Mum, Dad and Glenn came. Vivian took 86 back home. We took 169 to relative's house. My great grandmother's b-day. Celebrated. Dinner was fantastic...got french crusine. Home
Sun, woke up very late cos had watched a TV show till very late last night. PW research. Night, continue. Dad say he suspect I wasn't doing research for PW...I WAS!!!!!!!!!!! I was, and still am, very hurt and I almost cried but held back my tears. Told him that the PW would last a whole year so can't possibly finish so fast - this is indeed the truth....he doesn't trust me....SIGH....I'm so hurt......
Posted by: Starry / 9:32 PM

Friday, April 23, 2004

Check this chinese website out.......very meaningful....
Posted by: Starry / 10:34 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2004

15 things we wouldn't know if it wasn't for the movies

1. The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place. No one will ever think of looking for you in there, and you can travel to any other part of the building you want without difficulty.

2. You're very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your sweetheart back home.

3. Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it is not necessary to speak the language. A German accent will do.

4. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.

5. If staying in a haunted house, women must investigate any strange noises in their most diaphaous underwear, which is just what they happened to be carrying with them at the time the car broke down.

6. If a large pane of glass is visible, someone will be thrown through it before long.
7. If someone says, "I'll be right back", they won't.

8. Computer monitors never display a cursor on screen but always say:
Enter Password Now.

9. It is not necessary to say hello or goodbye when beginning or ending phone conversations. And none of your friends have to knock when they come for a visit.

10. Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments.

11. All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they're going to go off.

12. A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.

13. If you decide to start dancing in the street everyone around you will
automatically be able to mirror all the steps you come up with and hear the music in your head.

14. Police departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.

And last but not least

15. When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other.
Posted by: Starry / 12:42 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I've thought over it...it's all over and I ain't gonna brood over it. I just hope that HE wouldn't avoid me like HE apparently did online today...haiz....
Make me sadder arhz.....like what you typed the other day..... T_T
And make me feel so hurt arhz....*SIGH*
What an ending to a great, fun day....haiz...what to do haiz.......
Posted by: Starry / 10:17 PM

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Happy April Fools Day!
April Fool, yes...Happy, no...
I should've expected it...NO...I was expecting it! I was...
Is it a joke? Nope...I don't think so...no! I know it isn't a joke...
Have you ever heard of the phrase "once bitten, twice shy"? I did, that's for sure...
And I do know that feeling...yet I wasn't hesitant when I jumped right back into the fire...
And now, once again, I got burnt...it isn't as bad as the first, but it hurts badly too...
I...I don't know if I would like to try it again...I know that most people wouldn't...I know...
I doubt I would...
I shouldn't have even jumped back in the second time...I shouldn't...but now it's too late...it hurts so much, wounds upon wounds...
I know that I should concentrate on my studies now...but it's hard not to think about it...some of you people should know that...you do, don't you? But yes, I'll try...will it work? I doubt...it hadn't, the first time...will it, this time round? Will it? And this, I doubt it too...
"Time will heal all wounds"...Will it? Seriously speaking, I doubt it...if only we can erase our memories...if only we can...but we can't....that's the problem. So I have to bear the pains of all the memories...memories, one of the nicest word, and yet it can be one of the worst and vicious word in situations like this...
Blame...who am I to blame? No one except myself...I do deserve this, don't I?
Who am I to turn to? Do I have anyone to turn to? No one...that's the answer...I know it...I knew it all along...
Happiness and sadness both, I've got to enjoy and endure them respectively, alone... A loner, that's what I am...
Trust, who can I trust? Are those who treats me well hypocrites? Are those who are nice to me my enemies? Are they being true to me? I don't know the answers to these questions anymore...
I can never be happy and blissful...I can't! That's because what follows is hurt/sadness/anger...This, I'm speaking from experience. If I am never happy, I'll never be very sad. If only I had done this before today...
But now it's too late....just too late...
Goodbye, my friend....
Posted by: Starry / 11:53 PM

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